Arhiva pentru cuvântul-cheie: colaborare

Strengthening human health and the safety of agri-food products, the intrinsic link between the factors that ensure them, are imperative objectives for research, production, education. Vulnerability to the threats posed by climate change, pollution, can be overcome through collective and harmonious efforts. The objectives of the DevRAM Part I project “Increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector by integrating it into domestic and global value chains, especially the soybean sector” funded by the European Union and implemented between April 2018 and August 2021 by the Austrian Agency...
The Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection is a scientific center in which for several years experimental mutagenesis has been applied in research, based on which several varieties of plants have been created. Induced mutagenesis dates back to the early twentieth century. After the 1950s, a wide range of gamma-ray radiators was developed and applied for use in theoretical and experimental studies. Due to genetic effects, gamma rays have had extensive application in plant diversification. Currently, about 1023 of 2570 mutant plant varieties are obtained using ionizing radiation...