The Laboratory of Genetics and Plant Resistance

Head of laboratory:

SÎROMEATNICOV Iulea, PhD in biological sciences, associate professor (docent).

Scientific potential: Within the laboratory of Plant Resistance Genetics, 16 scientific researchers are active, out of which 3 habilitated doctors, 6 doctors of sciences, 4 coordinating scientific researchers, 2 senior scientific researchers, 6 trainee scientific researchers, 4 senior laboratories.

Directions of activity: Experimental mutagenesis, in vitro techniques, biotechnological processes for inducing plant variability in order to create new valuable genotypes, intra- and interspecific hybridizations, gametic selection, haploidy, cultivation features of energy crops.

Research includes the following objectives:

  • Assessment of the variability and heredity of quantitative and qualitative traits, identification of gene donor sources responsible for productivity and resistance to extreme climate factors according to F1-F4 hybrid combinations and parental forms in tomatoes.
  • Improved methods of gametic (pollen) selection of lines, varieties and hybrids that combine high potential productivity with ecological resistance in order to determine valuable genotypes;
  • Elucidation of genetic mechanisms for inducing the effect of haploidy, obtaining homozygous lines with increased productivity based on simple corn hybrids;
  • The use of gamma radiation and in vitro culture in order to induce phenotypic variability in culture plants in order to highlight forms with characters important for improvement;
  • Improving the methodology for including genetically distant species in the creation of own root interspecific genotypes of vines (V.vinifera L. x M.rotundifolia Michx.) With increased resistance to environmental factors and pathogens of the created genotypes;
  • Evaluation of local garlic and onion populations in order to select valuable forms and include them in the breeding process;
  • Utilization of hybrids and androsterile lines according to quantitative and qualitative traits in sorghum crops in order to increase productivity in the context of climate change;
  • Determination of agrobiological peculiarities of biomass formation and energy value of Miscanthus spp. Genotypes, resistance to extreme temperatures, water deficit and other unfavorable weather conditions (strong winds, frost, snow).

Research results:

•    Developed biotechnological processes to induce plant variability in order to create new valuable genotypes (lines, hybrids, varieties) with adaptability, productivity and increased resistance to pathogens and different production conditions.
•   To extend the variability to tomato culture, distant hybridizations were performed, applied gamma radiation and in vitro culture as a result of which inter- and intraspecific hybrid combinations of tomatoes with increased variability of the main agronomic characters were obtained, which is an important starting material for the process. improvement. The hybrid combinations obtained were evaluated according to the type of dominance of valuable agronomic traits and the heritability of the indices that determine productivity. The research resulted in the creation of 6 varieties of tomatoes, which exceeded the previous varieties in terms of productivity, fruit quality, resistance to stressors, 4 of them (Iulihirsutian, Anatolie, Jacota and Cerrydani) were approved for cultivation in the Republic of Moldova .
•    In the tritical culture, the significant influence of gamma radiation on the callus mass was established, the power of radiation being 11.01%, however, the maximum action was manifested by the genotype with a weight of 72.15%. It was found that gamma radiation influenced the process of cell division in triticale, inducing chromosomal aberrations in ana-telophase in the genotypes investigated, their frequency increasing from 11.57% to 28.20%, compared to the control of aberrant cells constituted 0% -4.56%.
•    Inducers of haploidy in maize were obtained at a rate of 13-17%, of which 16 lines were selected that exceed by 47% in productivity the most efficient parental form.
•    Research on sorghum crops is focused on the development of amelioration techniques that allow the expansion of diversity, the creation of the initial material for the amelioration process. As a result, 1258 sorghum lines and hybrids with heterozygous Aa1 were created, which ensure a high heterosis effect after productivity (80-90 t / ha). The hybrids obtained with the use of this heterozygote ensure a biomass yield up to 80-90 t / ha in the absence of irrigation, resistant to pollination. During that period, two sorghum hybrids (SASM 2 and SASM 3) and a sorghum hybrid x Sudan grass (SASM4) were approved for cultivation in the Republic of Moldova. The created sorghum hybrids exceed by 26-39% the approved hybrids according to the biomass productivity. At the CSTSP of the Republic of Moldova, a variety of sorghum for grains is being tested (Avantaj).
•    The garlic collection includes over 40 shapes, which served as a basis for highlighting and selecting valuable shapes. As a result, a form that does not form floral stems (Moldabella) and a form with floral stems (Berechet) characterized by productivity, quality and increased resistance to unfavorable environmental factors were highlighted and evaluated. The varieties are approved for cultivation in the Republic of Moldova.   
•    The vine germplasm collection is maintained and completed, which currently includes 120 intra- and interspecific varieties. Interspecific vine hybrids (V.vinifera L. x M.rotundifolia Michx.) (Alexandrina, Nistreană, Malena and Augustina, Bega, Amethyst and Algumax) were created by the methodology of including genetically distant species in the creation of their own interspecific genotypes. vine roots (V.vinifera L. x M.rotundifolia Michx.). They are characterized by increased resistance to environmental factors and pathogens, have an early period of grape ripening, increased resistance to low winter temperatures of - 29oC, can be grown on their own roots in the Central and Northern areas of the Republic. Moldova. They are approved in 2019 for cultivation in the Republic of Moldova.

Relevant publications:

ALEXANDROV, E. Crearea genotipurilor interspecifice rizogene de viţă de vie. Chişinău: S.n., 2020. ISBN 978-9975-3161-5-6. Tipogr. ”Lexon-Prim”, 232 p.
ALEXANDROV, E. Determination of the resistance to environmental factors of the interspecific hybrids of vines (Vitis vinifera L. x Muscadinia rotundifolia Michx.). Agriculture - Science and Practice Journal. Cluj-Napoca, 2017. 101(1-2), 80-89. ISSN 1221-5317. Disponibil: 12707 /10362.
ALEXANDROV, E. Organic viticulture: real opportunities for implementation. Scientific Papers. Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 2019, 19(1), 20-26. PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952.
ALEXANDROV, E. The genotypes feed-back to the environmental factors. Scientific Papers. Ser. Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture an Rural Development. Bucharest, 2017. 17(1), 43-48. ISSN 2284-7995. Disponibil: http://managementjournal.
ALEXANDROV, E. The potential of chemical compounds compared with grapevine berries color and degree of distancing from the initial species (spontaneous). Agriculture. Science and Practice Journal. Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 101(1-2), 68-79. ISSN 1221-5317. Disponibil:
ALEXANDROV, E., BOTNARI, V., GAINA, B. Enciclopedie de viticultură ecologică. Chişinău: S.n., 2017 (Tipogr. „Lexon-Prim”). 280 p. ISBN 978-9975-139-09-0.
ALEXANDROV, E.; BOTNARI, V.; GAINA, B. Vines and arts. Scientific Papers. Ser. Management, economic engineering in agriculture and rural development. 2018, 18(1), 37-44. ISSN 2284-7995 (print), E-ISSN 2285-3952.
CLIFTON-BROWN, J., HASTINGS, A., MOS, N., McCALMONT, J.;ASHMAN, C.,BOTNARI, V., VIZIR, I. [et al.]. Progress in upscaling Miscanthus biomas production for the European bio-economy with seed-based hybrids. In: Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2016. ISSN1757-1707 (on-line).Doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12357.p.1-12. (IF: 6.151).
CLIFTON-BROWN, JOHN; HARTFOUCHE, A.; …; BOTNARI, V. [et al.]. Breeding progress and preparedness for mass upsaling of perennial lingocellulosic biomass crops switchgrass, miscanthus, willow and poplar. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 29 may 2018. 1-34. ISSN 1757-1707 (online). Doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12566.
Disponibil: https://
DOBREI, A.; DOBREI, A.; DORAU, P.; ALEXANDROV, E.; BOTNARI, V.; GAINA, B. Universalitatea vitei-de-vie. Timisoara, Ed. SOLNESS, 2018. 305 p.
MIKHAILOV, M. Spontaneous chromosome doubling in maize haploids: the cases of high frequency. Maize Genetics Cooperation News Letter. Division of Biological Sciences and Division of Plants Sciences. Columbia, 2017, 91. ISSN 1090-4573.
SÎROMEATNICOV, Iu.; COTENCO, E.; CALALB, T.; CIOBANU, R. Characteristics of tomato varieties after valuable economic features. Buletinul Acad. de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2015, nr. 2, 131-137. ISSN 1857-064X.
АЛЕКСАНДРОВ, Е. Г.; ГАИНА, Б. С. Экологическое виноградарство – реальная перспектива. Виноделие и виноградарство. 2019, 2, 8-13. ISSN 2073-3631 eISSN 2073-3631. (IF РИНЦ: 0,397).
АЛЕКСАНДРОВ, Е.; БОТНАРЬ, В.; ГАИНА, Б. Генотипы винограда и факторы окружающей среды. Виноградарство и виноробство. Украина, 2018, вип. 55, 20-25.
АЛЕКСАНДРОВ, Е.; БОТНАРЬ, В.; ГАИНА, Б. Концентрация ресвератролов в соке ягод межвидовых генотипов винограда по мере отдаления от родительских первоначальных форм. Виноградарство и виноробство. Украина, 2018, вип. 55, 40-46.
БОТНАРЬ, В.Ф. Основы управления технологическими процессами возделывания овощных культур в открытом грунте. Кишинэу : Б. и., 2018 (Tipogr. „Print-Caro”). 347 с. ISBN 978-9975-56-519-6.
КЛИМЕНКО, О. А. Взаимосвязь устойчивости к пониженной температуре и некоторых количественных признаков у кукурузы. Евразийский союз ученых : ежемесячный научный журнал. 2019, 3(60), ч. 5, 13-17. ISSN 2411-6467. Doi: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335. (IF: 0,388).
КЛИМЕНКО, О.А. Изменчивость и наследуемость ряда признаков у простых гибридов f1 кукурузы при пониженной температуре и в обычных условиях. Eurasian union of scientists (EUS). Ежемесячный международный научно-исследовательский журнал. Impact factor (2019-2020) 1.44 (Academic Scientific Journals CiteFactor), registrat în ULRICHSWBEB GLOBAL SERIALS DIRECTORY. No 5(74)/2020 9 часть, стр.19-26. DOI:10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.9.74. 2020/06/Euroasia. 574. 9may. 2020.pdf
МИХАЙЛОВ, М. Э. Метод возвратных скрещиваний в дигаплоидной селекции кукурузы. Биотехнология и селекция растений. 2019, 2(2), 24-32. ISSN 2658-6266.
МИХАЙЛОВ, М.Э. Применение дигаплоидных линий в генетическом анализе и в селекции кукурузы. Кишинэу : Б. и., 2018 (Tipogr. „Print-Caro”). 232 с. ISBN 978-9975-56-505-6.
МИХАЙЛОВ, М.Э. Учет среднеожидаемого сцепления в биометрическом анализе количественных признаков. Генетика. 2015, 51(8), 953-962. ISSN1022-7954. (IF: 0,431).


1.    ALEXANDROV E., BOTNARI V., GAINA B., Soi de viță de vie propriu radicular Alexandrina, nr. 342 din2020.04.03
2.    ALEXANDROV E., BOTNARI V., GAINA B., Soi de viță de vie propriu radicular Augustina, nr. 343 din 2020.03.04
3.    ALEXANDROV E., BOTNARI V., GAINA B., Soi de viță de vie propriu radicular Malena, nr. 345 din 2020.03.04
4.    ALEXANDROV E., BOTNARI V., GAINA B., Soi de viță de vie propriu radicular Nistreană, nr. 346 din 2020.03.04
5.    SÎROMEATNICOV, Iu.; JACOTĂ, A.; BOTNARI, V.; COTENCO, E.; CIOBANU, R.; CHIRILOV, E. Tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) soiul Iulihirsutian: Brevet pentru soi de plantă  188 MD din 2015.04.30.
6.    SÎROMEATNICOV, Iu.; JACOTĂ, A.; COTENCO, E.; BOTNARI, V.; CHIRLOV, E. Tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) soiul Anatolie: brevet pentru soi de plantă MD 191 din 2015.05.31.
7.    BOTNARI, V. Ceapa (Allium cepa L.), soiul Allex. Brevet pentru soi de plantă MD 218 din 2016.10.31.
8.    SÎROMEATNICOV, Iu.; BOTNARI, V.; JACOTĂ, A.; BALAUR, N.; COTENCO, E.; CIOBANU, R.; CHIRILOV, E. Tomate Solanum lycopersicum L. soiul CerryDani. Brevet pentru soi de plantă MD 239 din 2017.08.31.
9.    SÎROMEATNICOV, Iu.; BOTNARI, V.; JACOTĂ, A.; BALAUR, N.; COTENCO, E.; CIOBANU, R.; CHIRILOV, E. Tomate Solanum lycopersicum L. soiul Jacotă. Brevet pentru soi de plantă MD 240 din 2017.08.31.

Appreciations of research results:

The research results were appreciated at a series of International Salons of innovation and invention with 13 gold medals, 2 silver medals, 3 bronze medals, 5 diplomas of excellence.
2 awards of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova were obtained:
2018 - Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova for Agriculture “Ilie Untilă”
2019 - Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova for Agriculture “Ilie Untilă”


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